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foreach 省略了控制变量,Perl就使用他的老地方变量$_代替。
[root@Master perl]# less LaoDiFang.pl #!/usr/bin/perl foreach (1..10) { print "I can count to $_!\n"; } [root@Master perl]# perl LaoDiFang.pl I can count to 1! I can count to 2! I can count to 3! I can count to 4! I can count to 5! I can count to 6! I can count to 7! I can count to 8! I can count to 9! I can count to 10![root@Master perl]# less LaoDiFang1.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl $_ = "Hello LaoDiFang \$_"; print; print "\n"; [root@Master perl]# perl LaoDiFang1.pl Hello LaoDiFang $_打印不指定变量时就答应 $_
本文转自 freeterman 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/myunix/1160205,如需转载请自行联系原作者